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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Meaning=, for_children: n"
The Golden World A celebration of ecstatic and mystical experience by a great Jungian analyst and spiritual teacher.
Lifelines Many pathways to meaning both within yourself and in the world.
Toltec Wisdom Discusses the basic elements of ancient Toltec wisdom and its applications to us.
Wisdom from West Africa Covers marriage, community and meaning in a small West African village.
The Mystical Side of Life A discussion of sport as a vehicle for transcendence.
The Enlightened Mind Contains discourses, sermons, essays, and aphorisms from the essential teachings of the great religious traditions.
The Digital Revolution A media wizard's prognostications about the upcoming digital era.
The Yoga of Work Suggests ways to build what he calls a holistic career---one of relatedness, interdependence, and creativity.
Original Prayer This nearly nine-hour audio retreat examines the many meanings of the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic and sheds new light on this devotional text.
Conscious Aging Six-hour audio presentation honoring elders as bearers of wisdom. healing, creativity and vision.